Tuesday, January 8, 2019



When the brain is constantly stimulated, its power improves infinitely. No one is born a genius. The very few famous and celebrated geniuses the has ever had such as Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Bernard Nobel, Ben Carson Michael Faraday, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and so on, were born with their minds like 'tabular rasa' as it is with every other person. Some of these geniuses were labeled morons or dullards during their early school days, but they later turned out to be the greatest minds that have ever existed in the world. So many of these outstanding individuals attribute their mental strength to their attitude of meditation.

Meditation has been proven to be one of the most efficacious ways of uncovering the latent powers of the brain. It is a means of transforming the mind through the application of certain skills or techniques such as mindfulness or focusing of mind on a particular object, thought or activity in order to train attention and awareness for the achievement of emotional, physical and intellectual wellbeing. It could take concentrative or mindfulness form.

A simple way to meditate

A simple way to meditate is to close the eyes and pay attention to the breathe. Then, tense up the muscles and relax them. Bring back the mind when it wonders and refocus attention to the breathe. Do this for five or ten minutes to relax and put the mind in the right position to perform optimally.

The eruption of mental potentials

Meditation has so many ways of erupting the underlying mental potentials. During meditation, the following scenarios occur:

Activities tend to be reduced to the minimum in several areas o. the brain such as the frontal areas, parietal lobe, thalamus, reticular formations to charge the brain with the momentum for potential eruption of ideas.

Reduction in the beta waves in the brain.

Large amounts of grey matter are formed in the hippocampus and frontal areas of the brain which are linked to more positive emotions, sharper focus on life goals and steadier emotional balance.

Reduces activity in the brain's 'me center' which is linked to anxiety and depression.

Reduces activity in the brain's default mode network which is linked to random wandering of thought when the brain is at rest.

All these and many more positive impacts of meditation on the brain support the maximal release of the brain's latent potentials by ploughing its various areas and stirring it up for positive action.

The fruits of meditation

The fruits of meditation could be physiological or psychological.


Lowered state of physical arousal.

Reduced respiration rate.

Changes in brain wave pattern

Lowered stress.

Reduction in age-related effect on the grey matter.


Lowered anxiety and depression.

Improved mood.

Improved concentration and attention.

Improves social anxiety disorder.

Helping with addiction.

Improved cognitive ability.

Enhanced of working                     memory and fluid intelligence.

All these and many more are the good fruits of meditation that have been exploited right from antiquity, even when the knowledge of the benefits was still rudimentary.

Festus C. Anaba, B Med. 

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