Friday, January 11, 2019


Sleep is a reversible physiological state and brain process in which an individual has little or no response to environmental stimuli. Humans spend about one-third of their lives sleeping.

The Physiology of Sleep

There are two types of sleep:

- The slow wave or non rapid eye movement (NREP) sleep and

- Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

The slow wave or NREM sleep is of four stages which are categorized according to their frequencies into 1,2,3and4 stages. The REM sleep is sometimes called stage 5 sleep by physiologists. Each of the stages of sleep has its own unique characteristics depicted by its brain wave patterns, eye movements, and muscle tone.

The sleep-wake cycle is controlled by circadian rhythms and the daily rhythm in physiology and behavior.

The interplay of two major processes - one that up-regulates sleep and one that up-regulates wakefulness - is thought to control sleep-wake system. This system is linked to the reticular activating system (RAS) of the brain.

Sleep also involves neurotransmitters and hormones that that linked to the circadian rhythm.

Sleep is marked by physiological changes in the body - mainly in the nervous system.

Parts of the Brain Implicated in Sleep

The structures of the brain that are actively involved in sleep and wake cycle include:

- The regular activating system.

- The red nucleus.

- The basal ganglia.

- The pineal gland and others.

Some other parts such as the hindbrain (medulla and pons), the midbrain, the forebrain (diencephalon and telencephalon) are also connected in sleep process, though not actively.

Quality Sleep and Brain Health

Sleep and wakefulness both emanate from the reticular activating system (RAS) of the brain. The RAS is made up of certain neurons associated with wakefulness. When these neurons are charged with enough energy, the brain works optimally and this makes one to be wide awake. But when these neurons are exhausted and weak after so many hours of work, sleep spontaneously sets in. And the brain starts performing below par.

Sleep can take the form of a power nap, which has been shown to recharge the brain speedily when grows weak, according to a study carried out in the USA in 2017, or, a long quality sleep.

Noteworthy is the fact that poor quality sleep full of disturbances is counterproductive. This will even be hazardous to brain health and IQ.

It is therefore, reinvigorating to have adequate quality sleep as and when required. This has long been found to rejuvenate and recharge the neurons - keeping them young and active all the time. This way, brain health is maintained, and IQ is boosted.

Good sleep, good thinking, good products!

Festus C. Anaba, B Med.

1 comment:

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